I was supposed to wait for my husband to help me with this project, because I felt that the only way to do it properly was to completely remove the mattress and box spring. Well he wasn't home today, but it was next on my list, so I just jumped in and did it! After moving the bed off the frame, here's what I found:
List of contents? Let's see, shoes, books, pillows, dust pan, fire escape ladder, toys, underbed boxes w/sheets & blankets and box of stuff belonging to my oldest child (age 20).
Ok, so I went through the underbed boxes. Turns out 95% of what was in there either doesn't fit our new bed or belongs in the kids rooms. So I reorganized the boxes and put in them only what belonged:
Ha! The only thing in there now is a few random pillowcases, one throw-size quilt and our 2 new pillow shams that I need to buy pillows for. Woo hoo! Now as I catch up on the laundry, we have storage for our clean sheets and blankets. You may be wondering why we keep our linens under the bed? Well, our house was not blessed with many closets. No linen closet. No bathroom closet. You saw the size of the bedroom closet yesterday. Our daughter's tiny room has no closet at all! So, this is what works for us. Or is going to work now that it's all cleaned out and organized!
Here's the after shot of the first picture I posted. I tried to vacuum but my Shark stick vac doesn't work so great on carpet and the real vacuum was in the closet which was barricaded by the box spring! Oops. And another shot:
Complete with half a cute baby in the picture! This picture makes the carpet look terrible, but it really is a nice dark green. I think there were spots on the camera lens. After this, I put the bed back together, fixed it all nice (except our quilt is in the wash) and put the underbed boxes and nothing else under the bed.
Ewww, the rest of the carpet needs vacuumed, but I'll take care of that once I finish the rest of the room, hopefully in the next few days. Now to figure out what to do with the rest of the stuff I pulled out from under the bed...
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